Blog posts tagged with heart rate

What is biometric research?
18 Feb human behavior research Emotion

What is biometric research?

Biometric research helps scientists uncover subconscious processes related to attention, cognition, emotion, and physiological arousal.
Five studies showing the power of multi-modal data in behavioral research
13 Dec human behavior research Multimodal

Five studies showing the power of multi-modal data in behavioral research

The advantages of using multimodal data over a single modality are that it reveals deeper insights and also if one modality fails there can be enough redundancy in the data to still make sense of it.
What is RPPG?
17 Oct human behavior research Emotion

What is RPPG?

Nowadays, measuring heart rate and heart rate variability can be done remotely, without all kinds of devices being attached to the test participant, using remote photoplethysmography (RPPG). What is RPPG and how does it work?
Behavioral tests to select police horses
04 Jul animal behavior research Other (Animal)

Behavioral tests to select police horses

The personality of police horses influences how well they do in their ‘job’. That’s why personality tests are important for both animal and human welfare and safety.
Fetal electrocardiography
01 May human behavior research Healthcare

Fetal electrocardiography

The results of the fundamental research reported in Kim Verdurmen's thesis show that fetal ECG is a technique that is still developing but has shown to have multiple promising prospects, both during pregnancy and labour.
Combining physiology and behavior to create a stress scale for horses
02 Jul animal behavior research Other (Animal)

Combining physiology and behavior to create a stress scale for horses

We all are familiar with stress, and how it can have an impact not only on our behavior, but on our bodies and physiology as well. Many people get stress headaches or start to feel sick if they reach high levels of stress.
Horse training methods: The importance of behavioral analysis
10 May animal behavior research Other (Animal)

Horse training methods: The importance of behavioral analysis

In equitation sciences, there are at least two training strategies: the ‘natural’ way of horsemanship that allows the horse to evaluate action and reaction and horsemanship that is based on ‘overruling’ of the animal.