Blog posts tagged with medical encounter

14 Feb
human behavior research
What is simulation-based training?
Simulation-based training provides learners with an opportunity to test out different scenarios to see what works and to understand how they arrived at the right and wrong answers.

23 Jul
human behavior research
Simulation-based training in times of crisis
Simulation can be a useful tool in the development of new standard operating procedures and policies needed to respond to crises like COVID-19.

18 May
human behavior research
Organized chaos or well-oiled machine? Optimizing safety & efficiency in an OR
Dr. Joseph and her team searched for solutions to minimize flow disruptions in Operating Rooms and make them as safe and efficient as possible.

23 Mar
human behavior research
A coding scheme to capture interactive behaviors during triadic consultations
The research team of Yuan developed and refined a coding scheme which can serve as a tool to identify specific triadic communicative strategies that are effective in improving children’s engagement and reducing distress.

22 Oct
human behavior research
Improving patient safety
We all agree that communication in the operating room is essential. It saves time and ensures a better quality of patient care. Using the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist supports this. How can we learn to use this checklist?

20 Jun
human behavior research
How to assess medical team effectiveness
Healthcare professionals working in an operating or emergency room, frequently deal with unpredictable situations in which they need to stay focused and think clearly. How do they manage that?

11 Jan
human behavior research
Evaluating the effectiveness of simulation in healthcare
Teamwork is important in many occupations but it is crucial when working under pressure. Most of us can only imagine how stressful it could be when working as a fire fighter or operating room nurse.

01 Nov
human behavior research
Simulation-based team training in obstetrics
The study of Annemarie Fransen and her team shows that simulation-based team training is effective in improving communication and cooperation of obstetric care teams.

18 Jun
human behavior research
The role of explicit bias in working with depressed cardiac patients
Using simulated medical encounters, Dr. Crapanzano and her team measured the influence of bias in the medical students' diagnosis and treatment plans for a patient presenting as mildly depressed.

02 May
human behavior research
The use of humor during doctor-patient interactions
How often do medical professionals use humor during the interaction with patients? After all, such positive interactions help build a relationship, establish trust, and support the exchange of relevant information.