Blog posts tagged with entolab

5 Animal blogs not about rats, mice or zebrafish
20 Oct animal behavior research Other (Animal)

5 Animal blogs not about rats, mice or zebrafish

The scope of measuring behavior goes beyond rats, mice and (zebra)fish. As behavioral experts we love to also highlight research in animals such as mites, elephants, dolphins and shrimps.
Screening plants for resistance to insect pests
19 May animal behavior research Other (Animal)

Screening plants for resistance to insect pests

EntoLab is a computerized system for automated screening of plants for resistance to sucking insects. It can accurately screen many different plant lines in a high-throughput manner.
Screening insecticides for efficacy or tolerance
20 Sep animal behavior research Other (Animal)

Screening insecticides for efficacy or tolerance

Maarten Jongsma and colleagues use EntoLab to detect changes in insect behavior that provide a sensitive method for identifying and quantifying resistance development. They tested this approach with pyrethrins against aphids.
Identification of an aphid resistance gene in Arabidopsis
20 Sep animal behavior research Other (Animal)

Identification of an aphid resistance gene in Arabidopsis

Karen Kloth used EntoLab in her research on the genetic basis of plant resistance to aphids. Genome-wide association mapping of aphid behavior on 350 natural Arabidopsis accessions led to the discovery of a new gene.