Blog posts tagged with facereader

The effects of negative campaigning on emotions
25 Apr human behavior research Psychology

The effects of negative campaigning on emotions

Do people display different emotions when they watch a commercial with or without negative campaigns? Sabine Dennert shares her findings in this guest blog post.
How botulinum toxin affects facial expression
25 Feb human behavior research Emotion

How botulinum toxin affects facial expression

For the past twenty years, the demand for cosmetic procedures to the face has increased drastically. New technologies have become available that make it possible to look ‘better and younger’.
Analysis of facial expressions of emotions in children
14 Feb human behavior research Emotion

Analysis of facial expressions of emotions in children

The study described in this guest blog post focuses on the facial expressions of emotions induced by affective stimuli in children aged between 7 and 14.
Can facial expressions and emotional reactions predict likeliness to buy?
24 Dec human behavior research Emotion

Can facial expressions and emotional reactions predict likeliness to buy?

Think about some of your favorite holiday foods – what are they? Maybe gingerbread, candy canes, or pies?
How to build a usability lab?
18 Dec human behavior research User Experience

How to build a usability lab?

Usability testing is an essential part of user centered design processes. It is necessary to evaluate prototypes. So how do you build a usability lab? This how to will help you out!
UX: from the Anthropocene to science fiction and moonshots
26 Oct human behavior research User Experience

UX: from the Anthropocene to science fiction and moonshots

Even after spending a decade in contact with User Experience researchers and professionals, the domain never stops to fascinate and amaze me. In October I had the privilege of joining the 10th NordiCHI conference, in Oslo.
Validation-study: Basic emotions and Action Units detection
24 Oct human behavior research Emotion

Validation-study: Basic emotions and Action Units detection

Guest blogger Jan Zumhasch, a certified FACS-coder, explains why FaceReader is amazing if you want to analyze facial expressions and emotions.
Smile like you mean it
06 Sep human behavior research Psychology

Smile like you mean it

Of all human expressions, a smile is the most universal. But can you tell which smile is real and which is false?
How to master automatic Facial Expression Recognition
30 Aug human behavior research Emotion

How to master automatic Facial Expression Recognition

Many researchers have turned towards using automated facial expression recognition software to better provide an objective assessment of emotions.
Understanding the digital world at the Social Media Lab
15 Aug human behavior research User Experience

Understanding the digital world at the Social Media Lab

In this unique lab, technology is applied to understanding user experience, behavior on social media, and much more.

Showing 81 to 90 of 118 results