Videos on neuromarketing and facial expression analysis
Watch these videos on consumer research, eye tracking, facial expression analysis, and more!
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Mon 23 Dec. 2013
| Emotion Recognition | Eye Tracking | FaceReader | Facial Expression Analysis | Neuromarketing | Neuropsychology |

Neuromarketing and emotion analysis with facial expression software are becoming increasingly popular. They provide a large amount of insight and knowledge into our emotional journey through life, and valuable insight into our behavior. For instance into our behavior as a consumer, and our shopping behavior.
Videos on neuromarketing and facial expression analysis
Watch these videos on consumer research, eye tracking, facial expression analysis, and learn more!
Measuring physiological signals and facial expressions
Researchers from the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland analyzed the emotions of 151 couples. The experiment was prepared in E–Prime software. They measured physiological signals and facial expressions using 4 HD cameras, Media Recorder, FaceReader, and The Observer XT. ECG data were analyzed in collaboration with representatives of the University of Medical Sciences, Poznań, Poland.
Watch the video they published on YouTube to get an idea of the experiment!
Facial expression analysis in consumer behavior research
Would you like to develop the perfect healthy snack for young children? Are you looking into shopping behavior in a large shopping mall? These kind of projects can be really important for product development and product placement. Such a project is a perfect task for a Behavioral Research Consultant.
Watch this user story and follow Patrick Zimmerman, one of our Behavioral Research Consultants. He explains what you can expect, describes the Noldus approach, and informs you about how our consultants can help.
Eye tracking & facial expression analysis
Eye movements contain important information as do facial expressions. Collecting and analyzing these data will give added value and insights into your user research. Learn more about subconscious processes by observing outward expressions such as eye movements and facial expressions.
Watch the video or download a FREE white paper about integrating eye tracking and facial expression analysis. Both eye tracking and facial expression analysis can add substantial power to your research by providing information about attention and emotion.
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