Blog posts tagged with facial expression analysis

Do we help students by surprising them?
17 Jul human behavior research Education

Do we help students by surprising them?

The role and usage of instructional videos are increasing in higher education. The research team of Sass & Vinczéné Fekete investigated which features make them more or less engaging for students.
AI and deep learning: Responsible use of facial expression analysis
12 Jul human behavior research Emotion

AI and deep learning: Responsible use of facial expression analysis

The European Parliament adopted its negotiating position on the first-ever regulation of AI. In this blog post, we explore how to use facial expression analysis responsibly and how it can contribute to scientific research.
Why you should use FaceReader Online for your human behavior research
26 Jun human behavior research Consumer

Why you should use FaceReader Online for your human behavior research

Facial expression analysis can help to get objective insights into the emotions of humans. A great tool to use for this is FaceReader Online.
FaceReader and different scientific theories on emotion
26 Jun human behavior research Emotion

FaceReader and different scientific theories on emotion

In this blog post, Tess den Uyl, PhD, Peter Lewinksi, PhD, and Amogh Gudi, PhD from VicarVision outline how FaceReader is designed with scientific rigor and in accordance with responsible AI principles.
How to measure emotions
23 Jun human behavior research Emotion

How to measure emotions

Measuring or assessing emotions is not always straightforward and easy. How do we view the nature of emotions in the first place?
Why so angry? The role of context and function in facial expression analysis
19 Jun human behavior research Emotion

Why so angry? The role of context and function in facial expression analysis

Why do respondents show an angry facial expression when evaluating a website or product, when there is no reason to expect them to actually be angry? Read more in this sequel to the blog post "How emotions are made".
Examining parent-adolescent interactions during a career discussion
07 Jun human behavior research Psychology

Examining parent-adolescent interactions during a career discussion

As an adolescent you have no idea what awaits you in working life, what you are capable of. Looking for answers to these questions is part of the vocational development, in which parents play a crucial role.
5 tips to optimize your facial expression analyses
18 May human behavior research Emotion

5 tips to optimize your facial expression analyses

Are you involved in emotion recognition and facial expression analysis? These 5 tips will guarantee the best results!
How do people with antisocial and psychopathic traits process emotions?
16 May human behavior research Emotion

How do people with antisocial and psychopathic traits process emotions?

Understanding more about emotion processing in people with antisocial personality disorder and psychopathic traits can improve interventions. The team of researcher Kyranides studied how facial mimicry can help.
How emotions are made
11 May human behavior research Emotion

How emotions are made

Neuroscience research in the past decades has shown that our brain gives meaning to our experiences and sensations, through concepts such as emotions.

Showing 21 to 30 of 97 results