
Predicting behavior from non-verbal communication

Suppose a darts player is ready to throw a dart while showing a smile on his face. Would he hit the attempted number of points as opposed to missing the shot if he looked grumpy? Research has been done to figure this out.

The influence of ad-evoked emotions on brand attitudes

Can brand authenticity generate positive emotions among consumers and turn into a positive brand attitude?

Entrepreneurs’ facial expressions & emotional contagion during investor pitches

What is the influence of emotions in a decision-making process? Dinkla and Liebregts wondered if displaying joy and emotional mimicry play a role during pitches.

Do your emotions and moods change as you get older?

Are emotions affected differently for younger than for older people? Researchers used FaceReader to complement self-assessments and objectify mood changes to answer this question.

How to measure consumer behavior

Measuring consumer behavior enables you to really know your customers and get key insights into consumer preferences and buying behavior. We highlight four of these ways for you in this blog post.

Investigating facial expressions in autism and borderline personality disorder

Within two specific populations researchers investigated the role of facial expressions on social interactions.

The role of entrepreneurs’ facial expressions to gain financial support

As an entrepreneur, attracting financial support is essential to get your start-up of the ground. How can positive facial expressions help to be more successful in a funding pitch?

The role of mimicry in the development of social communication

Children learn from interacting with others, especially their parents. For example, reproducing the emotions that others express is part of that.

Neuromarketing research: Innovative research methods and techniques

Get your face read, your brain measured, and your heart rate checked. Innovative research methods and techniques found their way into neuromarketing.

Emotional responses to winning a paralympic medal

Guest blogger Jeffrey J. Martin conducted a study to examine the emotional reactions of Paralympians right after winning a medal, using automated facial expression analysis.