Blog posts tagged with facial expression analysis

Why you want to find out if your customers are bored
16 May human behavior research Emotion

Why you want to find out if your customers are bored

Emotions deeply influence our daily lives, shaping our moods and behaviors - including our decision making. That's why facial expression analysis is often used in consumer and behavior research.
Student facial expression analysis while watching instructional videos
06 May human behavior research Education

Student facial expression analysis while watching instructional videos

Is boredom the opposite of interest? Lídia Vinczéné Fekete and her research team used FaceReader and The Observer XT to find out what makes students get bored and which elements encourage interest.
How does perception of brand authenticity affect ad performance?
04 Mar human behavior research Consumer

How does perception of brand authenticity affect ad performance?

For brands seeking to resonate with customers, being seen as authentic is vital. Using custom expressions in FaceReader, we explore how perception of brand authenticity relates to ad performance.
Using Baby FaceReader for automated analysis of infant emotions
21 Feb human behavior research Emotion

Using Baby FaceReader for automated analysis of infant emotions

What if you had a way to understand a baby's unspoken needs? Analyzing facial expressions in infants helps researchers and caregivers understand more about the early development of emotions and social interactions.
What is biometric research?
18 Feb human behavior research Emotion

What is biometric research?

Biometric research helps scientists uncover subconscious processes related to attention, cognition, emotion, and physiological arousal.
Why you should use custom expressions in your facial expression analysis
06 Feb human behavior research Emotion

Why you should use custom expressions in your facial expression analysis

Using custom expressions in facial expression analysis can unlock a deeper understanding of human behavior. How can you use custom expressions in different fields of research?
Facial mimicry and social cognition in children with autism spectrum disorder
14 Nov human behavior research Psychology

Facial mimicry and social cognition in children with autism spectrum disorder

When we want to understand each other better, we tend to copy one another's facial expressions. How does this work in children with autism spectrum disorder? In this blog post, you’ll learn more about facial mimicry in ASD.
Design your own product: consumer experience and abandonment behavior
26 Sep human behavior research Consumer

Design your own product: consumer experience and abandonment behavior

Researchers Krause and Franke studied how our experiences change while designing our own products. How do these experiences influence whether we finish a product or abandon the process?
Just the way I want it: a study on consumer experience in self-designing
22 Aug human behavior research Consumer

Just the way I want it: a study on consumer experience in self-designing

Consumer research suggests that you value a product more when you design it yourself - like sneakers or a gift. So, why do we abandon the self-design process so often? Find out in this blog post!
Disclosure dilemma
25 Jul human behavior research Emotion

Disclosure dilemma

Isabelle Leenders examined the influence of disclosures in influencer advertising on the brand attitudes and purchase intentions of young adults, mediated by their emotions and activation of persuasion knowledge.

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