
Neuromarketing research: Innovative research methods and techniques

Get your face read, your brain measured, and your heart rate checked. Innovative research methods and techniques found their way into neuromarketing.

Understanding phase dispersion in CatWalk XT

CatWalk XT 10.7 introduced circular graphs for phase dispersion and coupling. In this blog post we go over these parameters, and how they are calculated.

Did you know about these tips and tricks in EthoVision XT?

Whether you are a seasoned user of EthoVision XT or just starting out. There is always an opportunity to learn more about the best video tracking software available.

Neuroscience conferences you should visit in 2024

Conferences are a great way to connect and learn. Here you can find a list of our favorite neuroscience conferences taking place in 2024.

Zebrafish Research made easy: a dive into the Gerlai Lab

Recently, we published a customer story on the Gerlai Zebrafish Lab in Toronto. In this blog we would like to tell you about the things we learned that could not fit into the video.

Automatic gait analysis: Cracking the code

CatWalk XT provides the opportunity to study a variety of gait parameters. But, which parameters should you use for your mouse model? Read this blog to learn more!

The impact of handling technique on rodent welfare and scientific accuracy

Proper handling technique is essential in not only ensuring welfare, but also for reliable results. Check out this blog to learn more about how to handle rodents in an experimental setting!

5 tips on how to measure facial expressions

It may sound very simple, but recording video and playing it back enables more detailed analysis of facial expressions. 5 useful tips on how to measure facial expressions!

A critical view on the Forced swim test

The forced swim test (FST), a staple in depression research, has been under discussion for a while. What is the FST? How is it used? And why is it under discussion? Here we share our view on this topic