
How to increase attention in commercials for Gen-Z

Generation Z has the shortest attention span for commercials, yet they are becoming an increasingly important market segment. Understanding what captures their interest and how to engage them in commercials is crucial.

The 5 best ways to use FaceReader: a systematic review

Facial expressions offer a rich source of information about human emotions. In this study, Elisa Landmann examines the best ways to collect, handle, and analyze FaceReader data in different areas of research.

Why you want to find out if your customers are bored

Emotions deeply influence our daily lives, shaping our moods and behaviors - including our decision making. That's why facial expression analysis is often used in consumer and behavior research.

How does perception of brand authenticity affect ad performance?

For brands seeking to resonate with customers, being seen as authentic is vital. Using custom expressions in FaceReader, we explore how perception of brand authenticity relates to ad performance.

From start to finish: decreasing abandonment when self-designing a product

Research shows that we like to design your own products, but often abandon the process before we're done. Does it help to provide feedback, and if so, what type of feedback works best?

Design your own product: consumer experience and abandonment behavior

Researchers Krause and Franke studied how our experiences change while designing our own products. How do these experiences influence whether we finish a product or abandon the process?

Just the way I want it: a study on consumer experience in self-designing

Consumer research suggests that you value a product more when you design it yourself - like sneakers or a gift. So, why do we abandon the self-design process so often? Find out in this blog post!

Why you should use FaceReader Online for your human behavior research

Facial expression analysis can help to get objective insights into the emotions of humans. A great tool to use for this is FaceReader Online.

How to study human behavior

Many people are fascinated by human behavior. Why do we act the way we do? How is our behavior influenced, or measured? And why is behavioral change so difficult?

Top 5 Consumer behavior research on the Behavioral Research Blog

Observational research is becoming more and more popular in consumer science and market research. From on-site behavioral observations in supermarkets to advanced multimodal lab studies.