Blog posts tagged with stress

24 Oct
animal behavior research
Anxiety, Depression and Fear
Replacing rodents with insects in behavioral testing
In this blog we delve into the use of flies as a new perspective for behavioral testing. How do they compare to rodents? And can conventional rodent tests be adapted to insects?

13 Apr
animal behavior research
Anxiety, Depression and Fear
Early-life stress and the onset of depression later in life
I had a chat with my old department at the University of Groningen to see what they are currently working on. Read more about their reseach into early life stress!

31 Aug
animal behavior research
Research Methods
Better together or happier apart? The effects of housing on stress in mice
Does housing mice on their own affect animal welfare and reduce experimental validity? How was EthoVision XT video tracking software used to automate this investigation?

13 Dec
human behavior research
Five studies showing the power of multi-modal data in behavioral research
The advantages of using multimodal data over a single modality are that it reveals deeper insights and also if one modality fails there can be enough redundancy in the data to still make sense of it.

14 Oct
animal behavior research
Social Behavior
The relationship between social hierarchy and social stress
Today, Deepika Patel kindly shares her research on social structures with us. She investigated rat behavior in detail, using several test paradigms.

22 Sep
animal behavior research
Other (Animal)
Father’s genes affect their offspring’s future success
The early life environment of male bank voles can influence their offspring significantly. Both social stress and nutrient supply have an effect on the chances of survival for two generations.

24 Feb
animal behavior research
Other (Animal)
How does heat stress affect the health and welfare of dairy cows?
When environmental temperatures rise, livestock animals, such as dairy cows, are vulnerable to heat stress. Researchers Polsky and von Keyserlingk reviewed how heat stress affects animal productivity, health, and welfare.

19 Dec
human behavior research
The role of inhibitory control on substance use in adolescence
Adolescents are vulnerable to risk-taking behaviors such as substance use. Dr. Roy Otten and his team examined how early childhood stress and inhibitory control influence the risk of adolescent substance use.

01 Aug
animal behavior research
Other (Animal)
The importance of good nutrition for human babies is well known. But what about young animals?

23 Apr
animal behavior research
Other (Animal)
ChickenStress project
The abolition of battery farming has improved chicken welfare, but there are still problems like feather pecking. In the ChickenStress project, we will try to understand better how to reduce stress and improve welfare.